why cant we women just like live without boys. why do we have to spend late nights obsessively talking about them while they probably don't even give a damn about you and are probably talking to an another girl. it's always us who are the victims right? and it is so so sad. can't we just talk about ourselves and how amazing we are. i don't think we need boys to live, we can be happy and contended within ourselves to right? we have beautiful minds but all we want to do is open instagram and obsess over that silly lil boy, who's probably calling you a whore. but you dont give a damn right all you care about is how good he looks. utter bullshit. that's why i think i relate to jo march so much. and right now i am crying for that reason and for the first time i compulsively with my whole heart hate hate hate men. don't get me wrong over here i am not hating over men here, well i am but more that that i am more angry at ourselves, us pretty girls who have let these disgusting men make us feel so bad about ourselves. we let them control our minds but they are just a disgusting piece of unwanted shit who deserve to know what periods feel like. and if there is a girl reading this, which i sure am, you are beautiful, amazing, loved, wanted and you do not want a man telling you you are pretty or any shit. i here tell you that you are very pretty and have the most beautiful mind so use it wisely and never ever let a man let you down or ever call you crazy.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. why honey you knew i would love to come back and read it

  2. I always come back to this comment whenever I am thinking about that one guy and am sure that I have found the one but no. all men are the same one day you like them and they other they break your heart. they're so immature


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