BOARDS! BOARDS! BOARDS! finally the sword was uplifted and I was done with it all. the two years filled with academic stress, incompatible friendships, petty misunderstandings and lo and behold my overthinking. jk i was not done with it all but I was overwhelmed, didn't know what to feel or expect anymore. no new tests to look forward too. 

The last exam was hindi and as soon as i handed over my paper i forced myself to cry because i had truly survived, i had prevailed alas. it rained. stepping out of the chapel and running towards my backpack to get my white t-shirt and i felt a droplet but it was so engulfed by all the satisfaction that i did not tend to it. we did the signing on our t-shirts, took some pics and i just tried to deluge myslef with all the emotions cause I knew I would not be experiencing them again and this was it. it was a friend's birthday that day. so i rushed home and told the happy news to maa and hurried to my friend's house and then we went to another's friend's house where i reconciled with a friend of mine from fourth grade. it was cute. we gossiped, laughed, danced and planned to have sleepover which of course failed but it's fine because you cannot have it all. it was perfect. 

the next night i didn't dare to sleep because all my emotions engulfed me and i was in a puddle of tears. it all hit me that i am officially no longer a tenth grader i would not attend a physics class anymore lest be in a chemistry lab or be in awe of my history teacher. no longer seeing the faces once i resented. but it's okay change is inevitable thus it is essential. 

and now i am going through my snapchat memories seeing what else was there for me to undertake.

ah next was food poisoning, the most awful thing that could happen just happened. it was gross and scary, i used to have nightmares and didn't know if i was going to wake up the next day lest get through the night. my brain went numb. it was sickening. i didn't know how could things get back to mornal and how could i every just live. but it all worked out. the incessant puking, my stomach hurting it all stopped and i was okay :) 



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